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3021 N High St Columbus, OH 43202

Languages Spoken: English

4000 W. Broad Street Columbus, OH 43228

Languages Spoken: English

3101 Morse Road Columbus, OH 43231

Languages Spoken: English

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Buy Here Pay Here
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Buy Here Pay Here?
Buy Here Pay Here (BHPH) financing means that you arrange the car loan and make payments on it at the dealership.
How does Buy Here Pay Here work?
The auto dealer sells you the used car and lends you the money to buy it. In other words, the BHPH dealership is the finance company.
What is the difference between a Buy Here Pay Here dealer and a traditional car dealer?
Traditional dealerships, like BHPH dealers, also offer financing to their customers, but there are slight differences. A traditional car dealer talks about financing options with the customer near the end of the purchasing process. BHPH dealers typically focus on qualifying finance questions first, which then helps determine which cars you can afford. The main advantage of a BHPH dealer is that they specialize in working with credit-challenged borrowers.
Who should go to a Buy Here Pay Here dealership?
Traditional third-party lenders like banks, credit unions or the OEM’s finance company are typically the first choice for financing options. Your credit may be better than you think. If all the traditional financing options decline your application, then a BHPH dealer may be a better fit.
How can I get an auto loan with poor credit?
If you have very poor credit or no credit at all, you might find a BHPH dealer is right for you. BHPH car dealerships can lend you the money you need to buy a car. Buy Here Pay Here is another path to buying a used car with credit for those borrowers who find it difficult to get approved through traditional auto lending channels.

Credit Help Center

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